As we move towards Christmas, I thought it would be apt to begin by reviewing something with the theme of partying associated with it. The term party can be defined in a relatively simple manner, but different age groups associate with it different cultural products and it’s usually the youth who make a mess of it all in the end, quite literally. It’s true; the party itself may be as glamorous as can be, but there isn’t much shine or sparkle left at the end of it all. Today, the culture of partying amongst the youth around the world is such that the mess that is made at the end of the whole party determines whether it was just a ‘good’ party or in fact a ‘great’ one.
It’s quite a paradox as to how this mess is considered to be invaluable in delivering the final verdict on the rating of a party and yet be one of the most frustrating and irritating aspects of the day because it needs to be cleaned up.
Enter the ‘Hangover Helpers’. I happened to stumble upon this link on Facebook (special thanks to Anshuk Megharikh for posting it), and was drawn in by the simplicity of this idea. What began in the form of cleaning up party houses (to earn extra cash) for Marc Simons during University, actually inspired him to start up this relatively simple business, targeting a specific niche market. Hangover Helpers take care of cleaning up the mess made at a party and also supply energy drinks and mouth watering Mexican food. Amazing isn’t it; you get fed and energized for letting them clean up your mess.
Once Marc had realized the full potential of what he was actually doing, he teamed up with Alex Verre-Nicol and formed Hangover Helpers. It’s quite a simple theory – The products available in the market today cater to almost everything we need. Hence, what people want most is interaction and a personalized touch, some form of service. And this is exactly what these two friends have done; they are providing invaluable service (what the people want) at a time when people need it the most. Marc claims that he had found a relatively profitable niche in spite of the bad economy. I don’t know whether you sense it or not, but it definitely tells me something – If you cater to people’s wants at a time when they need it the most, in the form of a service, no material, tangible product can be as valuable as the service provided.
Lights, music, cups and alcohol may cater to the temporary desires of entertainment and enjoyment, but at the end of the day it takes a human touch to make you truly happy. So, I say we seek inspiration from the Hangover Helpers and begin to help one another more so that we all may mutually benefit from each other!
The next article I will be doing will be a follow up to this, but it branches off very interestingly into a theme of our social world, so watch out for that!
Here is the link to the short write up about Hangover Helpers:
As it's nearly xmas/new year - the party season - I'd expect a hangover cure story, so glad to find an interesting one. But where's the promised follow up? Nicola